The Ramble

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 4:17 PM

Solid State Hard Drive?

It appears that a solid state hard drive is coming from Samsung!

This is quite impressive being that it could make mobile computers much more energy efficient (battery life), and much more reliable due to the absence of moving parts.

Friday, May 13, 2005 at 2:39 PM

HOT 'Stang Posted by Hello

This is a GT mustang a guy from work is souping up.... This thing is bad! He's considering buying a dual supercharger that will boost power at the wheels to 900 HP.

at 10:33 AM

Junk Science - PETA Gets to Your Kids - Views - Junk Science - PETA Gets to Your Kids

This is something that we all need to be aware of. PETA (the radical pro-animal anti-human group) has infiltrated itself into a number of school systems across the country and are teaching children that drinking milk or eating hamburgers is animal cruelty. This HAS to be stopped. While I agree that blatant animal torture is not necessary, I, along with most people that are honsest about it, realize that animals are tools and food, for the most part.

at 9:18 AM

Tech specs revealed! XboX 360

Tom's Hardware Guide Games & Entertainment: Microsoft's Next Generation Console Revealed: The Xbox 360 - Seeing It For Ourselves

this is a great article about the technical specifications of the XboX 360. I can't wait to get my hands on one.

Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 2:48 PM

..shadowmite: Palm Tricks, Hacks and Patches

..shadowmite: Palm Tricks, Hacks and Patches

Very cool Treo 650 hacking site.

at 1:26 PM

NASA - Subvocal Speech (Telepathy?)


This is possibly the coolest thing that I've read in a really long time.

I can think of a billion and a half applications.

at 8:02 AM

Flying low...

After a couple of delays, I'm pushing it hard to get to the Shop this AM....

Sent from my Treo

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 8:07 PM

The Road Blogger

Blogging while driving..... Wheee!

Sent from my Treo

at 10:54 AM

Tom's Hardware Guide: Tom's Hard News

Tom's Hardware Guide: Tom's Hard News

I"m blogging this for Chance.... Thought he might be innersted.

Monday, May 09, 2005 at 3:21 PM

Open Try Linux Online!

Have you ever wanted to try Linux, but didn't want to install the crap?? Well Now you can... online, through a web browser.

Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 1:51 PM

Picnic for 2!

Brianna Girl joined Miss Caylea Ann for a spring day picnic!

Sent from my Treo

at 1:47 PM

Here's Caylea sitting at her picnic table. What a beautiful day!
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Friday, May 06, 2005 at 9:02 PM

Pizza night!

Chhrista's parents and our little family went to Pizza Hut tonight for a change of pace. The babies had a good time!

Sent from my Treo

Thursday, May 05, 2005 at 7:24 PM

Logan @ bat

Logan in the 2nd inning batting.

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at 7:07 PM

And she's had enough!

Caylea just couldn't handle anymore excitement at her brother's ballgame.

Sent from my Treo

at 6:20 PM

From the ballgame.

Brianna is chowing on some french fries at the ball game.

Sent from my Treo

at 2:52 PM

Instant Messaging: Does it have a Place in Business Networks?

Instant Messaging: Does it have a Place in Business Networks?: "But the biggest concern in today’s business environment is security. Different IM applications use different, proprietary protocols and standard firewall configurations may not block or detect them. The IM programs also often circumvent authentication systems. Some IM clients can use ports other than those associated with IM (see the table for a list of commonly used IM ports), even commonly open ports such as 80."

at 2:19 PM

Security Risks of IM

Mike wanted me to get him some information on this stuff..... Putting it here for future use
Eight Risks of Externally Hosted Instant Messaging
  1. Weakened security settings. During installation, instant messaging software may change browser security settings, placing the computer at risk.
  2. Readability by intruders. Instant messaging sessions are conducted in plain, unencrypted text, and are an open book to a reasonably skilled intruder.
  3. Intrusion on privacy. By design, instant messaging software runs continuously as a background task and broadcasts the computer's presence online even if the interface is closed. (A separate "exit" action is needed to stop it.) In addition, instant messaging software may store the content of an instant messaging session in a log-file that could be read by others.
  4. Hijacking and impersonation. Instant messaging accounts are vulnerable to hijacking or spoofing, allowing an intruder to impersonate someone in conversations with others.
  5. Malicious code. Instant messaging establishes an open communications channel to the computer that can be exploited by malicious code such as worms, viruses, and Trojan horses.
  6. Unauthorized access. Instant messaging users can potentially access each others hard drives and files during a session, placing the computer at the disposal of would-be hackers.
  7. Poor password security. Instant messaging software typically stores passwords in a manner that is highly vulnerable to hackers.
  8. No virus protection. Instant messaging sessions are not virus protected and can freely spread virus-ridden files.

at 2:05 PM


fire drink!
Testing from the Treo
Sent from my Treo

at 12:55 PM

This is some funny STUFF! BWAHAHAHA Posted by Hello

at 10:27 AM

Cell Phone Glossary - Mobiledia

Cell Phone Glossary - Mobiledia: "PCS Phone
A wireless telephone that uses radiofrequency signals in the 1850-1990 megahertz (MHz) portion of the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. PCS stands for portable communication system."

at 9:28 AM

Army's New Gun


This is the official site for the Heckler & Koch built XM8 assault rifle due to be deployed this year to the US Army. It's a pretty awesome weapons system.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 at 10:47 AM

Chance's Blog

No Order In Here - Four Year Old on Board!!

Here's a close friend of mine's blog. Hopefuly he'll keep his more up to date than mine!